2022.05 USA Games feature requests
Released on: 05/23/2022/ Version: 1.0.74
Last updated
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Released on: 05/23/2022/ Version: 1.0.74
Last updated
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New questions for six disciplines : Added the following questions in discipline forms to allow end users to capture discipline data during the health screenings.
Health Promotion updates: Added new data points for Health Promotion Discipline. Data points added under Body Composition station.
Would you say that in general your health is • Excellent • Very good • Good • Fair • Poor
Has a doctor or other health professional EVER told you that you had diabetes? • Yes • No • Do not know
Fit Feet updates: Added a new data point for Fit Feet Discipline. Data points added under the following Check In form.
On most days do you have pain, aching or stiffness in either of your feet? • Yes • No • Do not know
FunFitness updates: Added a new data point for FunFitness Discipline. Data point added under the following Pre-Screen form.
In a typical week, on how many days {do you/does SP} do vigorous-intensity sports, fitness or recreational activities? PROBE IF NEEDED: Vigorous-intensity activity causes large increases in breathing or heart rate and is done for at least 10 minutes continuously. • No days • One day • Two days • Three days • Four days • Five days • Six days • Seven days
Special Smiles updates: Added a new data point for Special Smiles Discipline. Data point added under the Screening Forms.
About how long has it been since {you/SP} last visited a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists. In the last year •More than 1 year • Never have been • Do not know
Opening Eyes updates: Added a new data point for Opening Eyes Discipline. Data point added under the following Eye Care History forms.
Have you had an eye exam in the last 3 years?• Yes • No • Do not know
Strong Minds updates: Added a new data point for Strong Minds Discipline. Data point added under the following Check in / Intake forms.
Do you feel very unhappy, sad, worried or depressed? • Not at all • Moderately • Totally
Admin: Event End Date - remove the Admin ability to disable the event from Login screens
Context : The Event End Date performs two functions
Auto closes all open/active visits for athletes tied to that Event. Note that visits are auto closed after 24 hours of the end date so it is not immediate.
We recently( March 31st release ) added the feature to remove inactive events from login workflows per SO feedback . This feature is also trigged by the event end date .
Request implemented in this release : Disable the ability to remove events from login screen i.e. Display all events in the login screen workflows ( even if event has an end date). This will allow for users to enter data even if an event has ended. Note that a separate feature will need to be created to remove events from Login screen workflows and is not included in this release.
Admin: Creating user accounts from child locations
Admin user can create User accounts from both parent ( Example : SOI , Africa ) and nested program locations( Example. SO _Virginia , Sweden ..)
Update records with SO connect ID and Delegation : Replaced existing HAS ID and Delegation in the americas server database with recent HAS ID( SO connect ID) and recent delegation for existing athletes listed in the USA Games pre-populate . Only HAS ID and Delegation replaced for a total of 726 records that already existed in the database.
Criteria to match record : First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth.
Added new points- in the data warehouse and updated the ETL. Updates include new discipline data listed in the New section.
Upgraded the three OpenMRS production servers(SO-Americas, SO-Asia, and SO-EU-Africa) and HAS-Training server to the latest version of the software.
End Event dates resulting is queuing open visits and reclosing them every night.
Issue: The end event date closes active and open visits. The scheduler has queued previously closed visits along with new open visits. ( cumulative ) This is resulting in system slowness and CPU usage to exceed over 80% .
Acceptance Criteria(AC) implemented in this release : End event date triggers the active visits to close one time and within 24 hours.
Issue: user accounts that have access to SOI see additional Programs .
Users sees the following Programs that are dummy /test Programs - SO Africa , SO Boston, SO Burundi. SO East Africa, SO East Coat , SO Kenya, SO Los Angels, SO New York, SO North America, SO Pennsylvania, SO West Coast
AC to be implemented in a future release and to be updated in all three regional servers.
User should only see SOI and events associated with SOI program.
Admin should be able to select only SOI Program when giving access to users that need to only see SOI and events associated with SOI.
Remove all child programs listed under SOI