2020.05 Post-GoLive Upgrade
vecnacaresdistribution tag: 1.0.11 - Release Date 05-24-2020
New Features
Added the ability to soft delete an event and close all its associated visits.
Added automatic closing of visits after an event closes. The visits close 23 hours after midnight of the last day of the event.
Added extraction of grouping concepts observations data in the ETL for OpenMRS to Data Warehouse.
Discipline Forms
Fun Fitness
Updated data validations on the Flexibility form questions Left/Right Calf and Left/Right Functional Shoulder Rotation.
Health Promotion
Added BMI Status field on the OpenMRS back-end to store the status and enabled the alert messages to stay on the Body Composition form in both edit and view mode.
On the Blood Pressure form, updated the alert messages to stay on the form when in edit and view mode and added BP category field on the back-end to store the category.
Updated the alert messages to stay on the Bone Density form when in edit and view mode and added the BMD status field on the OpenMRS back-end to store the status.
Data Migration
Added 'Tekscan Provided?' to the SO Concept Dictionary for data migration.
Added erosion questions to the SO Concept Dictionary for data migration.
Created and updated missing response concepts to the SO Concept Dictionary that were recognized from the data migration POC.
Added 'No response and Could not test' concept to the concept dictionary for data migration.
Data Warehouse
Added missing concepts from SO Concept Dictionary in dim_concept.
Added grouping concept observations related data to the ETL and successfully back-filled data for SO-Americas and SO-Asia servers in fact_obs table.
Resolved duplicate observations after back-fill of grouping concept observations related data.
Unified the gender entries to M/F/U in dim_person table, gender column.
Upgraded the three OpenMRS production servers(SO-Americas, SO-Asia and SO-EU-Africa) and HAS-Training server to the 2020.05 Post-GoLive Upgrade release version.
Bug Fixes
Discipline Forms
Fit Feet
Added missing grouping concepts on the Foot Sizing form question "If unable to measure, please leave blank".
Fun Fitness
Added missing grouping concepts on the Aerobic form question "On Average, how many days a week is your physical activity at a moderate level".
Added missing grouping concepts on the Balance form questions "Unable or refused to perform test" and "Education".
Added missing grouping concepts on the Strength Exam form questions "Unable or refused to perform test" and "Education".
Added missing grouping concepts on the Flexibility form questions "Unable or Refused to perform test" and "Education".
Special Smiles
Fixed conflict of data saved in Special Smile Notes appearing in the Notes fields on the athlete header.
Opening Eyes
Added missing grouping concepts on the IOP form question "Unable to test".
Data Warehouse
Resolved issue on missing athlete status and delegation data in dim_person table.
Event Dashboard
Resolved issues with delegation and discipline counts on the event dashboard.
Known Issues
OpenMRS HAS Platform
Notes tile is overwritten with Health Promotion notes.
Data Warehouse
902 grouping concept observation records missing in the fact_obs table in the data warehouse from SO-EU-Africa server.
5 records missing event_key data in fact_obs table in the data warehouse from SO-Americas server.
Data Migration
Update data migration scripts to handle migrating data containing pipes '|' from the MDE file. (In QA)
Update data migration scripts to handle migrating data containing 'Trope' from the MDE source file. (In QA)
Update Data Migration scprits to migrate NR/C entries.(Under development)
Special Characters are stored as "?" in DW. (In QA)
Some entries were migrated to the wrong concepts.(In QA)
Update the migration scripts to capture data for newly added concepts from POC migration. (Under development)
One missing record of JOHAN E HOLM that was not migrated during POC
Last updated
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