2020.07 Upgrade
OpenMRS Release Tag: 1.0.13 Release Date: 07/18/2020 - 07/21/2020
New Features
Data Warehouse
Created reporting views in the data warehouse for the different discipline specific reports: -
Added view dw.healthy_hearing_report_view containing the Healthy Hearing indicators.
Added view dw.strong_minds_report_view containing the Strong Mind indicators.
Added view dw.special_smiles_report_view containing the Special Smiles indicators.
Added view dw.funfitness_report_view containing the FunFitness indicators.
Added view dw.opening_eyes_report_view containing the Opening Eyes indicators.
Added view dw.health_promotion_report_view containing the Health Promotion indicators.
Added view dw.fitfeet_report_view containing the Fit Feet indicators.
Added view dw.snapshot_summary_of_event_report_view containing the Snapshot Summary of X event(s) indicators.
Added dw.dim_form table in the data warehouse to help different similar concepts used in different forms for the same discipline e.g Strong Mind's Check-in and Check-out forms.
OpenMRS Platform
Athlete Landing Page
Added the ability to track most recent vitals information in the Vitals tile.
Created a BMI Trend tile containing a line graph to track BMI over time.
Discipline Forms
Healthy Hearing
On the Pure Tone Threshold form, added question 'NR/C' on the form.
Data Migration
Added missed question concept Sextant (33-43) in the SO Concept Dictionary.
Upgraded the three OpenMRS production servers(SO-Americas, SO-Asia and SO-EU-Africa) and HAS-Training server to the 2020.07 Upgrade release version.
Ran backfills on the data warehouse to update data of corrected grouping concept and concept issues on the discipline forms from the three OpenMRS production servers(SO-Americas, SO-Asia and SO-EU-Africa).
Bug Fixes
OpenMRS HAS Platform
Athlete Landing Page
Fixed issue with Notes tile showing default Laurem ispsum text.
Resolved issue with Notes tile being overwritten with Health Promotion Notes
Event Management
Resolved issue of athletes registered not showing in the event where they are registered.
Discipline Forms
Fit Feet
On the Biomechanics, Joint Range of Motion Static Biomechanics form, fixed issues with the wrong concepts used on the form and corrected past collected data.
Healthy Hearing
On the Otoscopy form, resolved issues with the grouping concept used on the form and corrected past collected data.
Health Promotion
On the Sun Safety form, fixed issues with the wrong concepts used on the form and corrected past collected data.
On the Screening form, fixed issues with the wrong concept used on the form and corrected past collected data.
On the Physical Activity form, resolved issues with the grouping concepts used on the form and corrected past collected data.
Opening Eyes
On the Visual Acuity form, fixed the alignment issues on the message "Please ensure the athlete has their glasses on for testing if they wear them for close work." when Unable to Test is checked in Far-Left Eye or Far-Right Eye.
On the Cover Test form, resolved issues with the grouping concepts used on the form and corrected past collected data.
On the Visual Acuity form, resolved issues with the grouping concepts used on the form and corrected past collected data.
Known Issues
Data Warehouse
Added email alerts to notify Dev and QA of failed data push processes in the data warehouse. (In QA)
Data Migration
Migration of second POC MDE file (Blocked by fix of grouping concept id issues and reporting views creation priority)
Client Bug DM: Some entries where migrated to wrong grouping concepts for WWG March 2017 Migration ( in To Do, Blocked by reporting views creations priority)
Client Bug DM: Some entries are missing grouping concepts related data for WWG March 2017 Migration ( Blocked by priority to fix outstanding grouping concept issues)
Last updated
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