2021.06 Data Migration Updates
Added de-duping logic for removing duplicates from migration data by FirstName, LastName, Gender and DOB. UNKNOWN UNKNOWN records can be added without de-duping.
Migrated VecnaHAS-SES data to the Data Warehouse and generated a file of data not migrated based on the set migration rules https://vecnacorp.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/VecnaCares/EiWQw9aIhwRJktZgDEhJa7QBBBCqubxXNKkc4-J3vYuBYA?e=TObNto
Migrated VenaHAS-Prod2 data to the Data Warehouse and generated a file of data not migrated based on the set migration rules https://vecnacorp.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/VecnaCares/EiaJp-xqozNCh-oyhAx9xHkBVuCrCwMs6TbQtab95yGBHw?e=bbSKRo
Migrated VecnaHAS-Prod1 data to the Data Warehouse and generated a file of data not migrated based on the set migration rules https://vecnacorp.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/VecnaCares/ErULdxpU68hEqgPzLiCDB4cBMiIy0cfpIVL6d8ZQ0uGxUQ?e=f0x7kP
Re-migrate the first migration file(Austria data) with de-duping logic applied.
Updated QA Automation scripts to include the newly added de-duping logic.
Added form ids in the migration scripts to differentiate the same concepts used in different forms.
Added "Flag Football" to the Sports list
Added a new concept 'Unassigned Sport' for migrating Unified Sport or Sport data from the migration files.
Updated affected names migrated with wrong accent marks in the Data Warehouse
Known Bugs
Funfitness:Balance - Unexpected concepts are appearing in the data warehouse for Balance screenings CPSO-2669
Last updated
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